• Tue. Sep 10th, 2024

Compare Factory

The Blog for the Indecisive

Dogs Bed or Crate

cozy dog bed

If you are a new dog owner or even if you have had experience owning a dog before sometimes the answer is not always clear – Do you choose a dog bed? Or do you choose the crate?

There are a lot of factors that come into play when choosing the right one for you dog. This includes your dog’s age, background, breed, body type and the advantages and disadvantages of both a crate and bed. This is not a decision you should make lightly and you should evaluate carefully which would be the best fit for both you and your dog. You can easily find plenty or crates and dogs beds for sale at online stores or at pet stores, there are so many to choose from you are sure to find something.

A dog bed can be anything ranging from a simple rug to a four poster bed. Some dogs might even prefer the floor. If you really want to know what your dog prefers, pay attention to where it lounges around during the day. If it’s the floor then you might not need a bed at all. If your dog chooses the couch or bed then it might be time to invest in a nice bed.


You should base what kind of bed to get depending on the temperature in your house and your dog’s coat. If your dog has an already thick coat, you might want a bed with more of a bed sheet type surface to keep them cooler. If your dog has short hair and it can get quite cold then look for a bed with a more fluffy warm surface. If you can’t find a warm bed, you can always put a blanket over the dog bed to make it warmer.

Another important factor is the size. The bed must support dog’s body when stretched out. Measure your dog and get a bed that’s at least 10 centimetres longer and wider. Also, when browsing dogs beds for sale, do not settle for ‘cute’ style. Make sure the material is superior and durable and water-resistant for easy maintenance.

If you are leaning towards a dog crate, here are a few things you should remember. If your puppy is still young, you can expect them to chew anything they have in the crate. This is mainly because of teething, but some dogs do this to relax before they sleep as well. So you should think about putting in a few different toys if this is the case. Make sure you always keep an eye on your dog to make sure that he is not chewing anything that could become a choking hazard. If the dog is young, it is best to refrain from putting any bedding in there just in case they chew it up. If they don’t have that much body fat, you might need to put something down. Once the dog is house trained, bedding is encouraged. It’s also important to remember that your dog should think of the crate like his own space and not a place for punishment.


Aside from getting a quality bed for your BFF, you must teach him that your bed is not the place for him to sleep. If you are having a hard time, then the crate might be a good starter option. Start by placing it your room so it’s not completely out of your dog’s comfort zone. As your dog learns and progresses, you can then remove the crate and replace it with a dog bed. This will take a lot of time and practice and remember not to get frustrated. It is so important that your dog learns that the crate is his space and not a place for punishment. If you are calm and consistent, your dog should pick up this habit in not time at all, positive training will always be more effective.

Dogs are like family so most of us would agree that we want to provide them with the best life possible. This includes them having their own place to rest and relax. Make sure that whatever you choose, whether it is a crate, a bed or both, your dog can easily and comfortably stand up, turn around and stretch out in. If you are not sure about what bed or crate to buy, maybe take your dog to the store with you or measure him out while they are laying down. This way you can have a rough estimate as to what kind of size you should aim for. Hopefully after reading this choosing the right crate or bed for your dog is easier.

By Jessie Sanner

Always weighing things, the life of a Libra isn’t easy and that’s something Jessie is well acquainted with as a Libra herself. The confusion with having to choose between things is what helps her write for the blog, in the hope of making it easier for readers who are indecisive themselves. Interested in contrasts, like period dramas and sci-fi, casual and classy outfits, fries and detox shakes, the life of this young lady is anything but boring. Or is it?