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Skateboard Safety Gear Guide: Pads and Helmets

Skateboard Safety Gear

Falling is inevitable while skateboarding, but protecting high-impact areas can help you spend more time skating and less time healing. Consider investing in highly protective gear if you plan on riding a skateboard or longboard.

Skateboard Pads Guide

skateboard pad on elbow close up
source: eridehero.com

Skateboarding slams frequently result in bruising or scrapes, particularly around the palm, knee, and elbow areas. Thus, investing in a premium-quality skateboard pad set will protect you more than any other piece of gear. Wrist guards and knee pads are great for learning new tricks or bombing a hill on your longboard because you can slide to a stop on your hands and knees, and elbow pads will protect you from injuries if you fall awkwardly. Some skaters prefer using only a few pads, while others prefer using as many as possible.

Pad Size Measurements

You should measure your arms and legs to determine the proper size for your skateboard pads. Measure around your arms and legs at about 4 inches above and below your knees and elbows with a tailor’s tape or string. When it comes to wrist guards, measure your hand at the knuckles. Make sure your thumb isn’t included in the calculation. As you use the straps and padding, keep in mind that they will loosen up over time. If you’re unsure about your size, go for the smaller size to ensure a better fit once they’ve been broken in.

Pad Style & Safety

skateboard pads on elbows close up
source: eliteskater.com

A skateboard pad set usually features hard, stiff plastic caps, though some are made of more flexible and slimmer materials that are not recommended for beginners. However, when it comes to style and safety, pads can be standard and sleeved.

Standard pads

Safety pads with foam construction, high-durability fabric liners, and a hard outer shell. Nylon fabric and Velcro are used to secure the pads to your arms and legs. When you wipe out, they will provide the most protection for your knees and elbows.

Sleeve pads

This type of skateboard pad set features a smaller foam pad and is made of stretchy nylon materials. The sleeved pads are designed to be worn under your clothes for a low-profile look. They will provide some impact resistance but no abrasion resistance.

Skateboard Helmets’ Guide

kid with skateboard helmet smiling
source: vhparkdistrict.org

Because they protect the most important part of your body, skateboard helmets are the foundation of protective gear in skateboarding and longboarding. Helmets come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and price ranges to suit every pocket and style!

Helmet Size Measurements

When it comes to size, helmets must fit snugly without being uncomfortable. Measuring your head is one way to determine your proper size. Use a flexible measuring tape, such as a tailor’s tape. You can measure the length of a piece of string with a ruler or tape measure if you don’t have one.

Wrap the tape around your head. Make sure it crosses your forehead in the middle and stays level as it wraps around the back of your head. Do not overstretch the tape. It should be able to touch your head without putting too much pressure on it as it goes around. Mark where the tape meets the other end, and then measure that point on the tape. If you’re using a string, follow the same steps, but make sure you don’t let go of the measurement point before taking a ruler or tape measure.

Helmet Styles & Safety Certifications

boy skateboarding with white helmet on
source: outsidepursuits.com

Classic Helmets

When looking for a skateboard helmet, the classic one is a good place to start. This most common helmet style will cover your head from the middle of your forehead to your neckline. Classic helmets are typically lighter and more comfortable than other styles, but they provide less head coverage. They have ventilation holes on the front, top, and back and cutouts for your ears and are ideal for everyday wear.

Full Cut Helmets

Full Cut helmets are very similar to the classic ones. The main difference is that they will be slightly heavier than traditional helmets and fully cover your ears and neck for added protection. This helmet style is perfect for skating big vert ramps and bowls.

Uncertified Helmets

Uncertified helmets will provide you with head protection at a lower cost. The softer foam internal constriction will protect your head from most minor falls. Although these helmets are designed to protect against skull fractures, they don’t offer much protection against concussions or other types of head trauma.

Certified Helmets

Certified helmets have a thicker foam interior that effectively transfers impact energy away from the head. Multiple federal and international safety agencies have certified these helmets for their protection capabilities. A single-impact helmet has been certified to protect your head from only one impact before it needs to be replaced. Multi-impact helmets are certified to protect your head from various low-impact injuries.

Helmet Construction

guy skateboarding with helmet and pad set on
source: helmethunt.com

Hard-Shell Exterior

Construction is defined by the bonding of an injection moulded ABS shell to a layer of impact-absorbing foam, and it sets the standard for what a tough, reliable helmet should be. The injection moulded ABS Hard-Shell protects the inner foam from scratches, dings, and nicks by surrounding it.

EPS Foam

For action sports, liners are the industry standard. The helmet’s inner liner is made of this lightweight foam, which sits inside the hard shell. The primary component that crushes during impact to absorb and dissipate energy is the foam liner. While EPS liners aren’t always multi-impact, they comply with all safety regulations. Most certified helmets have EPS foam liners, which are made of very hard foam that provides more protection than the softer 2-Stage foam.

Comfort Liners

The soft padding inside the EPS foam liner known as Comfort Liners compresses to conform the helmet to your head for proper fit and comfort. Some comfort liners can even be washed to keep odours at bay.

By Jessie Sanner

Always weighing things, the life of a Libra isn’t easy and that’s something Jessie is well acquainted with as a Libra herself. The confusion with having to choose between things is what helps her write for the blog, in the hope of making it easier for readers who are indecisive themselves. Interested in contrasts, like period dramas and sci-fi, casual and classy outfits, fries and detox shakes, the life of this young lady is anything but boring. Or is it?