• Tue. Feb 11th, 2025

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Wheel Chocks: Tips for Levelling Your Caravan

Wheel Chocks

Travelling broadens the mind and travelling regularly can be quite beneficial for you, mentally and physically. Experiencing other cultures and understanding other’s views of the world change your view of the world and help you understand what and why people do what they do. Unfortunately, travelling is pretty limited this last period. When it comes to relaxing your mind and keeping your sense of self above all the problems in the world, caravanning is arguably one of the best getaways. Travelling with a caravan is not only a versatile mode of transportation but it is also one that is more affordable.

caravan leveller

Maybe that’s not the case upfront but the longer you keep travelling the more affordable it gets. You get the freedom to choose your destination, the pace you go at, and the amount of luggage you can pack. Although this mode of transportation is quite beneficial one thing you need to ensure throughout your trip is safety. Just as you would ensure a convenient ride with a freezer or a toilet you should do the same when parking and consider investing in a leveller.

Why Level Your Caravan?

The same reason why you ensure you have all the comfort you can get while driving. When you want to take in your surroundings and enjoy the relaxing sounds of mother nature you need to ensure that your caravan stays put. With properly placed caravan wheel chocks you will keep your caravan put but also allow the sink and shower to drain properly.

Woman Putting Tire Blocks on Camper Trailer

With caravan chocks, the fridge will operate properly since chocks help keep everything running smoothly by keeping your caravan level. Caravan wheel chocks are also known as levellers since they help keep the width of the caravan level but they’re not the only equipment used when it comes to keeping your caravan level.

How to Use Caravan Levellers

Getting Into Position

In order to be successful with setting up caravan levellers, you need to ensure that you park your caravan in a good position. The position will be determined by the type of ground you’re on but also by other caravans nearby. With other caravans nearby you want to keep a 6m gap between each caravan. If you’re going to be setting up an awning make sure you take into account its dimensions too. This is where the chocks and the spirit level come into play, which you can use to determine if the caravan is level when you place the chocks.

Levelling from Right to Left

1. In order to level your caravan you need to start with the axle first. Place a cross spirit level on the floor of your caravan to see if it’s level. If it’s not, then you shroud use the chocks to counter the balance.

2. You need to add the chock to the side of the caravan where it’s leaning. If the left side sits lower than the right side, add the wheel chock to the left wheel and vice versa. Once done, you need to then level your caravan length-wise.

Levelling Front to Back


1. When you’re done levelling your caravan from the sides, it’s time to level it from the front to back. Sometimes the front or the back of your caravan could be dipping even after you’ve levelled the sides.

2. To do this, use the jockey wheel to your advantage. Start by placing the spirit level on the bottom of the door sill or another suitable location. With the spirit level in place, raise one edge of the spirit until you see the bubble get into the centre position.

3. This tells you which side of the caravan, when looking at it horizontally, is leaning down. The side of the edge that helps bring back the bubble into place is the one that needs to be raised so that the caravan is level from front to back.

4. Levelling your caravan from front to back is done by adjusting the height of the jockey wheel and checking how much the bubble moves. When the bubble isn’t moving into the centre when lifting the edge of the spirit level – you’ve successfully levelled your caravan.



Keeping things level, even when it comes to something that’s made to be moving isn’t impossible. It is a necessary part of the job when travelling with a caravan. It’s interesting how something so simple and undermined can have such a big impact on so many different things. It’s a small investment that can help you feel safer and stay at spots that you otherwise can’t stay at, simply because you can’t park there. By having your caravan properly levelled, you can enjoy not only your stay in the woods but also the accommodations that the caravan will provide for years to come.

By Anthony Hendriks

The life of the party, Anthony is always up for spending some time with family and friends, when not blogging of course! Ever since a child, his love for books of mystery, race cars and travelling keeps on growing so it's difficult for him to single out that one all-time favourite hobby. If there's one thing he hates, though, it's having pictures taken but you already guessed that from his choice of plant photo for the blog.