• Wed. Jan 15th, 2025

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The Blog for the Indecisive

Hair Straightening – Flat Iron Or Chemical Treatment

Hair straightening like any other hair styling process, is not very healthy for hair. However, there are few treatments that will not damage your hair severely. This also applies to flat iron. But flat iron is a temporary fix, while professional hair straightening lasts longer (of course, depending on the method).

If you are low on a budget and like hair with texture, flat iron is a better option. You can straighten your hair and a few hours later wash it and get your original hairstyle back. But if you love sleek, shinny hair and are really tired of flat ironing every morning, go with one of the two most popular chemical hair straightening treatments – Japanese or Brazilian. Both methods are safe and the end result is silky, smooth and straight hair.

So, if your wish is to have smooth and straight hair find a reliable hair straightening Melbourne salon and have the hair of your dreams in less than 7 hours. Just be careful while searching for a hair straightening Melbourne salon, because nowadays there are many that do not use superior hair products and will only damage your hair. In case you do not know any reputable and professional hair straightening Melbourne salon, browse online, read customer reviews or ask around. This is the best way to obtain a detailed and true information about a particular hair straightening Melbourne salon.

Japanese hair straightening is perfect for bulky and wavy hair. The hair is soaked with a special solution that contains a chemical which is formulated to break the bonds that give each strand the shape. After that, the hair is rinsed, blow dried, carefully flat ironed and coated with a neutralizer which locks the hair in the new straight position. Depending on the thickness and length, this process can take up to eight hours and will cost you from $500 – $1500. This hair straightening treatment will last until your hair grows out.

Brazilian keratin hair straightening unlike the Japanese hair straightening method, only smooths the surface of the hair and does not break the bonds permanently. Therefore, the natural texture of your hair will gradually return. After the keratin product is applied, the hair is blow dried and flat ironed. The solution stays on your hair until you wash it 3 – 4 days later. This hair treatment lasts for about two to four months and can be done on any type of hair. It controls the frizz, but still maintains some texture and volume. However, keep in mind that this treatment contains formaldehyde, a carcinogen that affects the health when inhaled. Depending on the hair straightening Melbourne salon, the prices vary. However, it usually costs anywhere from $300 – $800.

By Jessie Sanner

Always weighing things, the life of a Libra isn’t easy and that’s something Jessie is well acquainted with as a Libra herself. The confusion with having to choose between things is what helps her write for the blog, in the hope of making it easier for readers who are indecisive themselves. Interested in contrasts, like period dramas and sci-fi, casual and classy outfits, fries and detox shakes, the life of this young lady is anything but boring. Or is it?

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